What is your "WHY"? Your "WHY" is not what you desire, but your reason for that strong desire. As people, and more specifically to me and my life, as a wife and mother, we always have our driving force behind everything we do. For me, it is my husband and kids. This motivation helps me work towards reaching a very realistic goal of obtaining financial relief so that my family can live a more comfortable life. Not have to worry about which bills can and can't be paid this payday or if we can afford to buy groceries this month. We like to go for drives,...if its sunny out and we want to go for a drive, not worry about the gas we will use that needs to be saved to get to and from work each day. My son is in college away from home, and although very responsible still my baby boy and when he needs help with anything, I want to be able to help without worry. I would like to be able to afford health insurance and not have to classify that as a luxury.
My "WHY" is my family! What is your "WHY"? What is your motivation that propels you forward everyday?
My "WHY" is my family! What is your "WHY"? What is your motivation that propels you forward everyday?